Thursday, April 16, 2009

Re: Mandating recess in Texas public schools

Because the topic is simple, there isn't much to dissect. This argument was concise and well done. Danielle's argument for mandating recess in Texas public schools is simple yet logical. I'd have to say I agree completely. Requiring schools to include at least twenty minutes of recreation into the school day should not be questioned. Like Danielle said, recess is an important component to a child's development of social skills; if children are confined indoors, always in the classroom, will greatly decrease opportunities for social interaction with fellow classmates. Yes, even if recess were eliminated from the school day, young students would still be able to interact with classmates.... but recess allows a merge of all students from other classes, allowing children to explore larger groups of peers. Children bore easily, recess is an alleviation of their boredom, a chance to release the energy gathered from sitting down all day.

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