Put Austin charter schools in public realm is the blatant title of a Stateman's editorial. A convincing agruement is launched in the name of charter schools and declining public schools. Both would benefit; "locat[ed] on campuses of under-enrolled public schools, charter schools would gain what they need most: modern classrooms, labs and facilities" and "public schools, especially those in academic trouble that need an infusion of new ideas, higher standards and innovative teachers. " According to this editorial, high-performing charter school students can raise the success of failing publics schools. Charter school students of KIPP Austin possess the grades students of Pearce High School do not have while Pearce H.S. has an ideal learning enivronment wasted by under-performing students. The editorial says combining the two institutions of learning will "raise Pearce's grade and remove the stigma associated with chronic failures. aise Pearce's grade and remove the stigma associated with chronic failures" and "KIPP kids would benefit from better learning tools and facilities at Pearce." This combination will end the competition for students and allows the focus to be on the students, their grades and their sucess.
I believe with the decline of eduation as a whole, anything that can be done to salvage failing schools SHOULD be done. I agree with this editorialm, though I would have liked to know what kind of money this combination will cost the state of Texas. The Texas Charter Schools Association is bringing the proposal to the Legislature and I'm sure tax-payers will be asked for some contribution to the venture. Eduacational success shouldn't have a price limit though. If students are doing well, they deserve a learning enivronment that reflects their success... and students who are struggling must be saved, we shouldn't watch them drown.